Sunday 28 October 2007

Light Pull

Taking a yank in the dark, I miss and the blue glass evil eye swings away.

W: Why is it that in our house all the light switches are wall mounted and the one in the bathroom is that light pull?
K: Huh. I don't know. Its the same in all houses, right?
W: Not all, but most I guess.
K: Its probably so you don't electrocute yourself when you're all wet and stuff.

You'd think that there was a way to do that without using a piece of sting hanging from the ceiling. xxw


Inspired by Georges Perec's essay: 'Approaches To What?', I decided to document my furore into the mundane.

Before I go into why and how here is a little about myself:
As a child my teachers would tell my parents that if I didn't understand something I would ask. Perhaps due to the lack of some outstanding remark about my performance in my schoolwork. I remain the same (though hopefully my performance in other aspects of my life have drastically improved for the better), consistently needing answers for the questions that probably don't need asking. But ask them nonetheless.

At the moment I don't know what exactly I'm going to document or how, but I suppose for now, not knowing is enough to begin.

It seems frivolous to write a lengthy introduction on a blog about the mundane. So instead I'll end there with the 'why', the last two sentences from Perec:
It matters little to me that these questions should be fragmentary, barely indicative of a method, at most of a project. It matters a lot to me that they should seem trivial and futile: that's exactly what makes them just as essential, if not more so, as all th other questions by which we've tried in vain to lay hold on our truth.
